On 7/3/24, victim's husband attempted to shoot her. Parties have been married for nine years and had been separated for about a month when the incident occurred. The suspect was arrested. Victim is asking for assistance with getting a divorce. 

Resources for legal aid--victim currently lives in a shelter. Adverse Party is victim's ex boyfriend. 

Victim's husband has been physically abusing her since they were dating. Victim states the physical abuse has gotten much worse since they married in 2021. Victim has not reported the abuse because the abuser tells her that no one will believe her. He takes videos or her and records her crying saying that she is crazy. The victim has pictures of several of the injuries she has received in the past. The victim is scared to make report because the suspect told her if she reports him he will have her papers taken away. Parties live together.

Victim of domestic violence by husband. They are no longer living together, but husband stalks her and texts her all night. Victim would like assistance with divorce and protective order. 

CW is a victim of Aggravated Sexual Assault and Assault with a Deadly weapon. She is a Spanish speaker and needing assistance with U-Visa information and I think counseling might help her. She has been given a victim impact statement and cvc packet. She may need assistance in filling them out. I have given her extra resources, but this she would be open to someone reaching out to her for help. She also responds to email if she does not answer her phone- Maria197445@icloud.com. 


2nd time to be offended by her husband. CPS is involved with children's temporary removal from domestic violence in the home Ms. Aerial Marie Davis would like to proceed with a divorce. funding is not available. Ms. Aerial Davis is seeking a bond modification. Only for the ability to communicate with Mr. Brent Davies. Banking and vehicles are in both names.   

Ms. Quintero shares four children with Mr. Arredondo. She was recently the victim of a DV incident which Mr. Arredondo was the abuser. Ms. Quintero states she currently has a protective order and she would like assistance getting child custody/visitation modified. The parties were never married. Ms. Quintero is in fear of her safety and that of her children. She is unsure what her options are to legally protect herself.