The Texas Crime Victim Legal Assistance Network (TCVLAN) exists to help crime survivors access needed services. The TCVLAN is a collaborative of diverse service providers working with crime survivors to provide holistic support as the survivor works to recover from the impacts of victimization. 

The TCVLAN goal is to serve as a centralized location where our survivors can search our partner database and reach out for help. But, we know our survivors often have multiple needs across many disciplines and the only way we, as service providers, can hope to meet those needs is by working together. Therefore, the TCVLAN provides our partners with a central location to turn to when they cannot fully meet the needs of a client. 

Partners can log in, search our partners and can refer their client directly to a fellow partner who may be able to provide the needed service. 

Some Frequently Asked Questions that will provide you additional information about becoming a TCVLAN Partner can be found below.



network partners
TCVLAN Partner Highlight

Family Time Crisis & Counseling Center is an organization that seeks to provide services and programs that benefit the community and help provide safety and support for victims of domestic and sexual violence. With two offices, one in Humble and one in Dayton, Family Time offers a multitude of services to the people of Harris, Liberty and Montgomery Counties such as a 24-hour crisis hotline, legal advocacy, counseling, and an emergency shelter of victims of abuse and their children called “The Door.” Family time also runs a thrift shop in Porter, TX and uses the profits to help fund their organization and to assist their victims both monetarily and by providing clothing, furniture, and household items.


Partner Frequently Asked Questions

The Network Partners are legal and non-legal service providers who provide free or very minimal fees for services to victims of crime. A service provider does not need to focus only on serving the needs of crime victims to be a Network Partner. To be a Network Partner, a provider need only have some crime victim clients whom they wish to serve and wish to refer for other support services. Network Partners include service providers like the Victim Services Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety that works exclusively with crime victims and their families. Partners also include providers like Lone Star Legal Aid that works with both crime victim and non-victim clients.



  • Full access to the Network Partner Referral Directory – Network Partners will be provided a log-in to the Referral Directory to view Network Partners full profiles including where to make direct client referrals for your crime victim clients.
  • Direct client referrals with other Network Partners – All Network Partners provide a full profile of their services which is included in the Network Referral Directory. This information allows our Partners who log-in to the directory to find the services their crime victim clients need and make direct referrals to those Network Partners on their clients’ behalf instead of just handing the victim client a phone number or address to apply on their own. 
  • Access to free Network Partner trainings – The Network can offer free access to web-based trainings on a variety of topics facing crime victim clients and their service providers. 



Yes, Network Partnership is absolutely free.



Network Partners are expected to provide a full profile of the services they offer and periodically update their profiles when necessary. Partners must be willing to share crime victim client referrals among Network Partners. Partners who have crime victim clients who need services they do not or cannot offer, must log in to the referral directory and search for a Network Partner who matches the needs of their victim client and make a direct referral to the matching Network Partner on behalf of the client. Partners must be willing to receive victim client referrals from other Partners when their services match the needs of the client.



No. Partners are not required to provide services to every client referred to their office via the Network. However, we do ask that you maintain your directory profile so that the Network Partners will have enough information about your services to refer only those clients that match the services you provide. Partner profiles can be updated in real time and Partners can easily switch from accepting to not accepting referrals when necessary.



You can search the partner database for your organization. If your organization is already listed just submit a join request from the bottom of the page. If your organization is not listed in the database, please Add Your Organization.

Once you submit a request, the Network Director will contact you to answer any questions you may have about Network Partnership and get you signed up.