April is a month we dedicate to raising awareness about sexual assault.  Health and safety issues during the pandemic have dominated the conversation for much of the last year. Sexual assault, however, remains a consistent pandemic impacting people of all genders, races, ethnicities, cultures, and religions across the world. It is important, this year more than ever, to educate ourselves and others about what sexual violence is, what resources are available to help survivors, and hopefully learn ways in which we can all help prevent this crime. This year’s SAAM theme focuses on building safe online spaces. With the pandemic impacting everyone’s lives, we have all turned to online resources for work, school, news and entertainment more than ever before. However, some have chosen to use these same online resources as a means of perpetrating sexual violence. During this year’s SAAM, we hope to share resources that will help us all better understand consent and how to build safe online communities that are built upon respect. To show your support and spread the word, please wear your favorite teal colored clothing or accessory item and on April 6th post a selfie to Instagram or Twitter using #SAAM2021 to let survivors of sexual violence know they are supported and that you are a safe person if they need to reach out.


If you are a survivor who needs immediate assistance, please call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.


If you are looking for legal help related to sexual violence in Texas, please call the Legal Assistance for Survivors of Sexual Assault (LASSA) Network at 1-844-303-7233 to be connected to a local legal services provider that can assist you. You can learn more about the LASSA Network here.


To learn more about sexual assault, building safe spaces, and prevention, here are a few resources:

www.rainn.org - Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network

www.nsvrc.org – National Sexual Violence Resource Center

www.taasa.org – Texas Association Against Sexual Assault