Victim of domestic violence by husband. They are no longer living together, but husband stalks her and texts her all night. Victim would like assistance with divorce and protective order. 

Client is victim of domestic violence. In December 2023, she contacted police after husband beat her. Police did not make an arrest and abuser returned. She fled with her children to a women's shelter in Beaumont. Victim blocked abuser on her cell phone, but he has tried calling her. Please assist with emergency protective order. 

Survivor of 20+ physical, emotional, verbal, psychological, and financial abuse seeking divorce. Client is LEP and requires a Telugu translator. 

Client has fled from abusive household with her two adult children - abuser does not know where they are. 

Client needs help getting custody for her children. The children's father had initial custody because the client was dealing with trauma from past trafficking case. The children's father was deported and the kids were staying with their uncle. They found their mother and went to live with her. They are now afraid that CPS will take them away from their mom because she doesn't have custody.

D is on deferred adjudication for harassment. CW has recently reached out to us letting us know that D has been trying to reach her by phone and using different names. CW wants a protective order or restraining order against D.

Veronica needs immediate assistance with filing for divorce, assisting with child custody orders and getting a permanent protective order. Her husband, Oscar Valencia, is charged with murder. He shot and killed the man that Veronica was confiding in and who was helping her to leave the marriage. During the investigation a GPS device was discovered on Veronica's vehicle that Oscar had been tracking her with. He shot the victim in front of Veronica. Veronica is having a very rough time and will need emotional support also. She is fearful for her and her childrens lives.