Client needs assistance with getting a divorce. Client is also needing assistance with modifying her custody agreement, her children's father sexually assaulted her son and she is seeking sole custody of her children. 

Client is victim of domestic violence. In December 2023, she contacted police after husband beat her. Police did not make an arrest and abuser returned. She fled with her children to a women's shelter in Beaumont. Victim blocked abuser on her cell phone, but he has tried calling her. Please assist with emergency protective order. 

Mother of the victim is having trouble with finding affordable housing. She currently does not qualify for most services as the defendants income is being considered but they are not together and the defendant is no longer providing support to her or their children. Rachel needs assistance with filing for child support and the defendant fraudulently filed taxes on their children this year taking all of the money for himself. Any legal assistance in this matter is requested. Family could benefit from counseling services also.

Maire E Manning has been on-going abusive marriage. She and her husband are separated. Have 3 children togehter.  They have been separated for a while now. She does not have child support. Has filled out an online form for divorce. It does not provide for children custody or child support. Mr.Devlin has a good job, and could possibly provide insurance and child support. Ms. Maire E Manning is afraid of Mr.

Victim was evicted from home at time of defendant's arrest, she has been living in her vehicle, but is now behind on vehicle payments and is afraid she will lose her vehicle and be unable to get to work and have no place to live. Victim was approved for food stamps but has to wait 30 days and does not have food. She was referred to a food bank but they did not have much to give her at that time.