Client needs assistance with getting a divorce. Client is also needing assistance with modifying her custody agreement, her children's father sexually assaulted her son and she is seeking sole custody of her children. 

I have a victim, who nearly died multiple times during her assaults over the past few months. We have two pending cases in our office, one impeding breath & agg assault with deadly weapon. We were able to get a protective order granted on Monday November 27, 2023 for two years. I can send you a copy of it to you. She will qualify for the 60 days waived wait time for a divorce since she is a victim. And he is still currently in our county jail, so he can be easily served with the papers. She has lost everything because of him, and is rebuilding her life back.

Client needs a SAPCR for one minor child (currently receiving ECI services). There are no existing SAPCR orders in place at this time. There is a history of family violence and protective orders are in place until 2071 for client and until age 18 for the minor. Abuser has pending charge for Assault of a Family member as a result of incident of abuse against client. AVDA identified this case as high risk. Client is at 21% of poverty level.

Applicant seeking PO/Divorce/SAPCR. Applicant resides in Galveston County. Respondent is in Hardin County. Physical, sexual, and emotional DV present in the relationship. 

Childhood sexual abuse survivor wants to legally change her name.  She requests legal assistance to change her name. 

FBI case # 31F-HO-3433333

Please let me now if you need additional information from me. 

